

Our Partners have a versatile expertise in Direct & Indirect Taxes which includes:

  • Tax planning for new, existing & reorganized businesses.
  • Advisory services on transfer pricing issues.
  • Tax Compliance and representation before various tax authorities including filing of appeals before Appellate Authorities.
  • Preparation & Filing of Income Tax, e-TDS, FBT, Sales Tax/ VAT (Local & Central), Service Tax Returns on monthly, quarterly, half yearly & annual basis and issue of various forms.
  • Registration of the various type of firms & companies with Sales Tax/ VAT, Service Tax, Income Tax Authorities.

International Taxation

We are in the field of international taxation in the following form:

  • Advisory on international tax consequences of specific investment proposals.
  • Advisory on Profit Repatriation.
  • Researching the tax attributes of potential overseas and domestic markets.
  • Advisory on possible tax advantages of cross border trading, leasing, financing, or holding companies;
  • Consulting for maximizing savings from treaty benefits, credits, deductions, exemptions, and incentives;
  • Designing and implementing compliance systems;
  • Conducting due diligence and transaction advisory services.
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